Forte F5 PowerChord

Frequent Flyer
Audience's EHVP Boost is an optional high-voltage materials treatment which improves focus, drive, clarity, resolution and overall performance. This process is applied to the cable after it's been built and lasts the life of the cable.
Building on a selection of long-term proprietary designs, Audience offers the forte f5 powerChord at an exemplary price/performance. The f5 includes a special 6 conductor interface design that rejects noise, enhancing a well balanced musical presentation. The construction is 10 AWG aggregate high purity stranded copper providing ease in handling while delivering a very high degree of low level information. The dielectric is ultra high quality XLPE and is cryogenically treated resulting in high conductivity and signal preservation. As a result of the f5 powerChord performance, it replaces the previous 33% higher priced, award winning Audience powerChord SE-i.

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