Scout/ Scoutmaster Plinth Top


Custom designed dustcover that sits atop the plinth and perfectly matches the contours of the VPI Scoutmaster. This product was designed specifically for the Scoutmaster and looks absolutely stunning. Compact, simple and effective. The perfect accessory to protect your investment.

* Elegance
* Functionality
* Integrated Platform/Cover Combos
* Custom Sizes Available

"MAP" products are not Frequent Flyer eligible. 

The pricing indicated is the absolute lowest allowed by the manufacturer. Our "Frequent Flyer" Program offers pricing and/or freight incentives for any order over $100 domestically ($300 internationally). Frequent Flyer is a cumulative program, so you will get credit for all previous orders each time to place a new order! With us, everyone’s a Frequent Flyer - no prior signup needed. After you place an order for Frequent Flyer eligible products, we will calculate applicable incentives. Your order amount will be adjusted and we will confirm the calculations by email within one business day. Click for more details.