TNT/ HRX Table Top

The HRX Plinth Dustcover does everything a dustcover should do and more! Keeps out unwanted dust and prying hands allowing your valuable investment to look as new as the day you bought it.

Each custom design has rounded corners and beveled top edge to echo the existing design of your TNT HRX. This dustcover sits on top of the 4 air towers. Includes custom cutouts in the back and right side for routing the tonearm cable and for accessing the tonearm cueing mechanism. Also on either side so you can lift the cover up. The workmanship is impeccable and the cover is made of clear 3/16 inch thick acrylic that makes for a sturdy cover to withstand any accidental mishap as well as protecting your turntable.

Protects your turntable from inadvertent destructive objects and improves the look of your turntable and sound room. Near museum quality heavy duty custom fit dustcover for your TNT HRX!

* Elegance
* Functionality
* Integrated Platform/Cover Combos
* Custom Sizes Available

"MAP" products are not Frequent Flyer eligible. 

The pricing indicated is the absolute lowest allowed by the manufacturer. Our "Frequent Flyer" Program offers pricing and/or freight incentives for any order over $100 domestically ($300 internationally). Frequent Flyer is a cumulative program, so you will get credit for all previous orders each time to place a new order! With us, everyone’s a Frequent Flyer - no prior signup needed. After you place an order for Frequent Flyer eligible products, we will calculate applicable incentives. Your order amount will be adjusted and we will confirm the calculations by email within one business day. Click for more details.