Carbon 8 Jumpers (Set of 4)

Frequent Flyer

Electrostatically dissipative carbon polymer reduces mechanically induced electrical noise and improves the uniformity of the voltage gradient within the insulating dielectric. Carbon provides a a natural sound profile without being excessively bright or overly dark. By utilizing a unique braiding process and specialized machinery that was completely developed in house, each Carbon cable employs a seamless braided transition to the + and - terminal for unmatched mechanical integrity and the utmost electrical naturality.

The Carbon speaker cables come in 3 variations, the Carbon 8, the Carbon 16 and the Carbon 18XL. Carbon 8 (13 AWG) is ideal for desktop and small monitor sized speakers. Its design places very little mechanical stress on smaller stand mounted designs while still providing enough conductor mass to easily drive the speakers. Carbon 16 (9 AWG) was designed to be matched with full-range floor standing speakers and larger stand mounted monitors. Carbon 18XL (8 AWG) is the perfect match for high current wide bandwidth applications. Utilizing a combination of a braided geometry to optimize the reactance profile an a central, non-twisted parallel straight run (shortest distance between to points) to minimize DCR for wide bandwidth and optimal amplifier damping. This design provides lightning fast transients and unrestricted upper ranges.

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