Songbird MC Phono Cartridge

The Songbird High Output was something of a revelation - all the detail and impact of a quality moving coil cartridge but with the electrical characteristics to make it compatible with any high-quality Moving Magnet Phono preamp - perfect for music lovers that lack a Moving Coil phono stage.
We knew that we could do better though - reducing the number of high-purity copper coils allowed us to further reduce the cartridge’s moving mass, which means the stylus can trace even finer details on the record’s surface. Adding this enhanced tracking ability to the Songbird’s low-vibration construction and open generator design created a cartridge of unparalleled performance at this price point. Huge detailed stereo image, tremendous deep bass response, and the ability to deliver small details that other cartridges simply smear over, the Songbird Low is a winner. The Songbird Low Output likes to see a resistive loading of 100 Ohms or less, and at least 50 dB of gain.

"MAP" products are not Frequent Flyer eligible. 

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