Amethyst MM Phono Cartridge


Easily our most ambitious moving-magnet (MM) cartridge to date, the Amethyst features a nude line-contact stylus and an upgraded generator assembly providing ultra-low noise, breathtaking dynamics, and exceptional trackability. This unique setup takes advantage of the powerful electromotive forces inherent to MM cartridge designs that help give your playback some punch, while still outperforming most comparable moving-coil cartridges.

Cartridge Type: MM
Stylus: Nude Line Contact
Cantilever material: φ0.5 Aluminium
Wire material:  Copper
Internal Impedance: 700Ω
Load Impedance: 47KΩ
Frequency Response: 12Hz-35KHz
Output Voltage: 2.5mV/1KHz
Channel Separation: 30dB/1KHx
Channel Balance: 0.5dB/1KHz
Compliance at 100Hz:  12 x 10-6cm/dyne
Recommended load capacitance:  100-200pF
Vertical tracking angle:  20 deg
Tracking Force:  1.8-2.2gr
Recommended Force:  2.0 grams
Cartridge Weight:  6.5  grams 
Replacement stylus unit:  yes        

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