Adder Silver Speaker Cable (Pair)

Frequent Flyer

We custom-build our Adder Silver speaker cables using our three-nine pure silver conductor, and WBT-0681Ag (spades) or WBT-0610Ag (banana) connectors. We can build your cables with any configuration of connectors that you need for your system. After submitting your order, PLEASE email us to let us know which connectors you need on the amp, and which connectors you need on the speaker.

Any precious metal used in your system's cables, or anywhere else actually, will have an effect on your music. The tonality, clarity, dimension, as well as many other factors, can all be greatly affected by which metals are used, as well as the quality of those metals. For example, silver is a very fast metal, with the lowest impedence rating of all precious metal used in audio today. The effect silver can have on music is to enhance the speed and clarity of what's being played. Details become crisper, soundstage can gain depth. Meanwhile, gold and copper can affect the richness and character of the music. A full room-filling boldness, musicality and smoothness, as well as a wide soundstage. Some have said that silver is lean and clean, while gold is rich and lush.

We use only the best three-nine, or 0.999 pure silver in our recipes, ensuring the absolute best quality your music deserves.

Best for:Warm and lush, maybe tube-heavy systems that could benefit from the speed and detail that pure silver provides. Brings that snap and clarity into your music, and finds small things you might have missed before - Not recommended for systems that are already lean and thin sounding. These might make your music more 'crispy'.


Quick disclaimer: This is a very simplified explanation of the cryogenic process as it applies to electrical components of audio. We know and value the effects this process has on our products. But if you'd like a deeper more detailed explanation, you may have to consult a cryogenicist.

The raw materials used in ANY equipment, whether it's cables or tubes, or razor blades - all contain a harsh degree of residual stress. The process used to make wire itself is very stressful and straining on it's core materials. Then add to it the stresses of manufacturing that wire into a cable, soldering and twisting, etc. A cryogenic treatment relieves these stresses, and allows your equipment to perform above and beyond untreated models of the same. Resistance ratings are lowered and capacitance is improved.

The cryogenic process is well used in the audio world, from components to tubes, to cables, and with good reason. If you've ever seen how wire or some components are made, you can imagine what it's doing to that metal on a molecular level.

A very simplified analogy would be to think of two rows of numbers. The top row has numbers 1 to 5, while the second row goes from 6 to 10. Well, even through all the beating the metal takes, electrons try to stay loyal to the other atoms/molecules where they were connected before. But because everything has been twisted and reconfigured, the electrons might be trying to go from 1 to 7, then up to 2, back to 6, then over to 3, etc. Not a very efficient way to travel.

The cryogenic process utilizes liquid nitrogen, and very slowly lowers the temperature of the metals down to 320 degrees BELOW ZERO. It's actually so cold, that the electrons themselves practically quit moving. After being held at that temperature for a time to completely break any bonds those electrons had previously, the metals are then very slowly brought back up to normal temps. The effect that this has, is that when the electrons start moving again, they connect to the atoms/molecules closest and strongest to them, instead of wherever they were connected previously. Now, your electrons go straight from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, etc. This results in lower capacitance and impedance. A much more efficient piece of conductive metal, which in audio, gives you better performance in your cables.

How does a cryo treated cable compare to an untreated model? Well, don't just take our word on this - feel free to search for yourself. There are many different accounts out there where a cryo treated cable performs better. The most common benefits attributed to cryogenically treatments are;

  • Much more in-depth, focused three dimensional soundstaging
  • Enhanced dynamic range
  • Upper range notes are cleaner, more precise with less distortion
  • Vocals are much more exact and clear
  • Improved bass speed and articulation

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